Govt.College Seema(Rohru)


To be a leading institute of the region for academic excellence geared towards meeting societal needs and to produce globally competitive graduates of sound ethical standing.


To become an institute with difference which shall continuously strive to materialize a “quantum jump” in achieving the triple objectives of access and expansion, equity and inclusion, and quality and excellence?

To be an institute capable of Equipping students with Skill, Knowledge, Wisdom, Technology, Values, and Character to lead their lives in a righteous and responsible manner.

To be the nationally known institute with world class facilities capable of bringing transformation through education in the society and also to be responsive to the changing global trends.

To produce graduates who are worthy in character and sound judgment.

To expand the frontiers of knowledge through the provision of excellent conditions for learning and research and extension activities.

To contribute to the transformation of society through education, awareness, creativity ,research and innovation.

To provide an affordable, accessible, and accountable higher education


Leadership, administration and teachings with humane touch at various levels. Integrity, transparency and openness in all our actions.

Innovation, perseverance and pursuit of excellence in education, character building and personality development of students.

Addressing the needs of students through various initiatives.

Striving continuously to improve our processes and quality of deliverables.

Respect for environment and commitment to protect, preserve and conserve the nature and healthy culture of the area.

Inspiring learning and broadening perspectives.

Achieving goals, pursuing excellence and celebrating achievements.

Working as a team to fulfill objectives and achieve goals Student focus, strong work ethics, striving for excellence, respect for all and social development are core values of our institution.


The college has unique, pure Himalayan, unprecedented, congenial, spiritual, healthy, clean, green, refreshing, calm conditions and ideal academic environment for achieving results.

Well qualified, motivating and dedicated Staff.

Adequate infra-structural facilities.

Use of modern teaching aides and practices Good academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular results.

Personal attention.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell.

Currier counseling and guidance Cell.

Code of Conduct & Student Charter

Adopting and applying healthy and ethical practices


Provide ideal environment for higher learning to the students belonging to the majority rural area which is a little socially, economically and educationally backward and falls in border area of Shimla district.

Create a congenial and disciplined environment having academic and spiritual ambience in the college campus which is the backbone of any civilized society.

Inspire young students to achieve academic excellence.

Equip all the students with the wisdom to lead their lives in a righteous and responsible manner. Encourage and recognize talent in individual students.

Fostering a team spirit and encouraging a sense of responsibility and self discipline.

Teaching them to adjust to the changing social milieu while not forgetting the traditional values. Sensitizing them to reach out to the marginalized and the underprivileged.

Create awareness that education is a continuous quest.

Provide an affordable, accessible, and accountable higher education Encourage co-curricular activities to provide students a practical orientation and help them in developing a holistic and all-inclusive approach, with a widened outlook and broader understanding of life.

Exposing them to values that are eternal and nurturing them to become beacons of light and ambassadors of harmony.

To provide opportunities for educational, vocational, professional, social, linguistic and cultural development to the students of all abilities and backgrounds so that they can discover their potential and fulfill their aspirations.

Promote morality and sobriety of life.

Develop multidimensional personality of the student by providing an opportunity to participate in social, cultural, co-curricular, theatrical, literary and sports activities.

Constantly evolve, improve and update it to be one-upping against the challenges of a swiftly changing world environment with globalization and advancements in the social, technological, economical and political landscapes.

Adjusting the existing educational systems into a system that is universal and holistic. Establishing viable and valuable linkage between college campus and community.

Promote the spirit of sportsmanship Identification of area specific opportunities Value originality and vision, encourage initiative and promote creativity.

Instilling a sense of pride and achievement of personal accomplishment. Promote research activities.

Building, enhancing and expanding capacities and capabilities of stake holders.

Encourage digital literacy and e-skills

Prevention and prohibition of unfair practices

Create infrastructure for transacting education through technology

Leverage the potential of ICT in teaching and learning process for the benefit of all

Address the regional backwardness in education

Bridging Gender and Social Gaps

Linking Higher Education to Society by strengthening college’s close linkages with the society and fostering social responsibility and engaging in community outreach programmes.

Integrate student voice as an element of policy thinking and offering opportunities for students to be represented in review, planning, policy making and decision making processes.

Determine our priorities and programmes in education and research on the basis of `indigenous' thinking and needs

Ensure intellectual independence, freedom of enquiry and spirit of scientific temper.

Encourage self-evaluation, accountability and innovations

Continuously strive to materialize a "quantum jump" in achieving the triple objectives of access and expansion, equity and inclusion, and quality and excellence.

To arrange for periodic assessment and accreditation of institutions of higher education