SAR supporting document

SrNo Activity Link
1.1 Mode of Teaching Empty
1.2 Curriculum Planning and Implementation ( e.g. Displayed on College Website/ Notice Board/ Class groups/ submitted to COE) Empty
1.3 ADD - On Course/ Certificate Courses Empty
1.4 Student Feadback (Taken From Students with 80% Attendance Empty
1.5 Examination Results Empty
2.Student Support, Services and Progression = 280
SrNo Activity Link
2.1 Pre and Post admission counselling Empty
2.2 Scholarships Empty
2.3 Sports and Cultural activities Empty
2.4 Students participating in NSS/ NCC/ Ranger & rover/ Clubs Empty
2.5 NSS/ NCC/ Rangers & Rovers participating in Empty
2.6 Anti-Drug Awareness Programmes Empty
2.7 Gender Equity Empty
2.8 Mentor-Mentee Groups Empty
2.9 Coaching for National Level Competitive Examination/ HAS Empty
2.10 Remedial Classes/ Bridge Courses Empty
2.11 Capacity building of students Empty
2.12 Career Counselling And Placement Cell Empty
2.13 Student Progression Empty
2.14 No. of Co-Curricular and sports activities organised Empty
2.15 Annual Prize Distribution Function Organised Empty
2.16 College Magazine Published Empty
2.17 College Website Updated Regulary or Not Empty
3.Infrastructure and Resources = 160
SrNo Activity Link
3.3 ICT Facilities Empty
3.4 Facilities for Specially abled students Empty
3.5 Sports Facilities Empty
3.6 Auditorium / Hostels/ Seminar Hall / Staff Quarters Empty
3.7 Laboratories with adequate equipment according to syllabi,Usage of available lab infrastructure Empty
3.8 Adequate Numbers of Computers ,Usage of Computer Hardware Empty
3.9 Canteen, Staff Room / Faculty Room, Space for NCC, NSS, Rangers and Rovers,Examination Room, Medical Care Facilities Empty
3.10 Documentation of Academic, co - curricular and extracurricular activities and achievement of students and staff on regular basis Empty
SrNo Activity Link
4.1 Institutional Vision Empty
4.2 IQAC Empty
4.3 Management of Institutional Funds Empty
4.4 Grievance Redressal of Students and Employees Empty
4.5 Green and Clean Campus Empty
4.6 Facilities for Students Empty
4.7 Regular Updatation of Service Books/ Service Record Empty
4.8 Timely Submission of ACR's Empty
4.9 Prompt Response to Official Correspondance Empty
4.10 Proper Maintenance of Official Records (Cash books/ Stock Registers, Fund Registers,Leave Records, Fine Fund etc) Empty
4.11 Proper record of Student attendance and CCA Empty
4.12 Whether ranked by NIRF, other agencies Empty
4.13 Whether Accredited by NAAC Empty
4.14 Whether AQAR are being submitted as per timeline annually or not. Empty
4.15 Recognition for exemplary contributions of the staff and students Empty
4.16 Involvement of Stake Holders Empty
4.17 Feedback and stakeholders other than students and action taken thereon Empty
4.18 Annual review meeting on students outcomes in academics, co-curricular, extra curricular and extension activities and action taken during next academic session for achieving excellence. Empty
5.Best Practices, Innovation and Institution distinctiveness = 80
SrNo Activity Link
5.1 Best Practices discription and outcome of best practices(atleast 2) Empty
5.2 Special Initiatives taken for Empty
5.3 Social Impact of extension activities(on the basis of community feedback) Empty
5.4 Special new innovative initiatives or Ideas adopted in the college (other than at serial No.5.2 above) Empty
5.5 Collaborations Empty
6.Faculty Profile and Research activities = 100
SrNo Activity Link
6.1 % of Teachers with PhD View/Download
6.2 Teachers as Research Guides View/Download
6.3 No. of Orientation Programmes, Refresher Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes and Workshops of One Week or More Attended by Teachers(in last three years) View/Download
6.4 Projects/Patents/Fellowships/Associateships View/Download
6.5 No. of Paper Presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia (in last three years) View/Download
6.6 Seminars, Workshops, Conferences and Trainings organized by the Institution View/Download
6.7 No. of Paper Published View/Download
6.8 Teachers’ special Innovative Ideas (Brief Description thereof) View/Download
6.9 No. of Books Published/Chapter in Books View/Download
6.10 Teachers Academic and Extension Activities View/Download
6.11 Awards by Recognised & Reputed Organisations View/Download
7.Miscellaneous = 120
SrNo Activity Link
7.1 Any Other Important Information or initiative not covered above e.g. institution incubation centre, R&D- cum- innovation centre, B. Voc, Self Finance Courses, Add On Courses, Internship, OJT, Green Audit, Academic Audit etc. Empty
7.2 Spot evaluation of institutions by the officers from the Directorate of Higher Education/ Rpresentative of the Director of Higher Education Empty
7.3 AG Audit paras Settled up to date Empty
7.4 Local Audit paras Settled up to date Empty
7.5 Timeline Adhered to in filing reply of court cases/ RTI applications/ Public Grievances received through Mukhya Mantri Seva Sankalp 1100 and Public grievance redress and Monetoring system Empty
7.6 Invited speakers on various themes relevant to holistic development of students Empty
7.7 Skill development training (atleast20% students benefited Empty