Govt.College Seema(Rohru)
College Website: www.gpgcseema.edu.in |
College E-mail: gcseema-hp@nic.in , gcseemahp@gmail.com |
College Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/gcseemarohru/ |
Convener Women Cell
That country and that nation which doesn't respect women will never become great now nor will ever in future and in pursuit of making India a great Nation, let us work towards giving women their much deserved status” - Swami Vivekananda
Women Empowerment Cell of our college is established to empower the girl students and staff to get educated and understand issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe place for them. Women Empowerment Cell of the College is actively working for the welfare of the students and faculty towards preparing them to take up greater challenges in the academic sphere. The Cell stands for facilitating Women Empowerment through guest lectures, Seminars, Awareness programs and other Welfare activities which creates awareness about the rights of women and help them in becoming mentally, physically and psychologically strong. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in society. Our Women empowerment cell is a platform made of the women, by the women, for the women.
Our platform is not about making women stronger. We were never weak to begin with. It’s about reminding us of our own strengths and changing the way the world perceives it.
Sr.no |
Name |
Number |
1 |
Police |
100 |
2 |
Gudiya helpline |
1515 |
3 |
Women Helpline |
1091 |
4 |
Vishakha Guideline |
5 |
POSH Act,2013 |
Govt.College Seema,Rohru